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HS Email Marketer iOS App Addon


Email Marketer iOS App Addon.

Unlimited mailing lists, contacts and campaigns
Email confirmation option for subscription.
PHP code subscription to integrate the script with legacy or existing forms
Extract emails from HTML, URLs or import emails from SQL Databases.
HTML/Plain Text email campaign
WYSIWYG editor to create and edit campaigns
Unsubscribe link in email campaigns
Manage active/inactive/pending email campaigns
Detailed campaign statistics
View and manage active/unsubscribed emails
Advanced email queue management system.
Advanced email queue management & cron job scheduling for Mailing Options.
Prioritize campaigns
All campaigns are automatically prioritized as they are created but manual override to campaigns allow better planning for your business needs.
Additional Subscription Fields
This feature enables you to configure any number of subscription fields so that, along with an email address, additional information can also be recorded.
PHP Code for Existing Form Integration
Use HS Email Marketer to manage the emails and related data submitted through preexisting third party Sign Up/subscribe forms in your sites.
Advanced Subscription Code with Client Side Validations
Process bounced emails.
Data Backup
Data can be backed up in IEF (HS Export FIle) and can be imported to restore your data at any time. You can also import and export your mailing lists in CSV format.
Advanced Selective Subscription for Users
You can generate html code to subscribe more than one list and can specify whether users should subscribe to all of them or choose one or more of those lists according to their interest.
Campaign Tracking Facility
Get complete stats of every campaign. You can track the amount of emails sent, emails in queue or remaining ones.
Sub-Admin accounts.
Mass Unsubscribe
Unsubscribe emails in bulk. Upload all emails in bulk as a single file or paste them in the text space and unsubscribe unwanted emails in one single step.
Send automated greeting to your new customers.
Automated Follow-up Campaigns
Run multiple automated campaigns through Projects. Large marketing projects can be executed by creating projects. Multiple email campaigns can be incorporated under a project and executed in a timely matter through automation.
Multiple SMTP Accounts
HS Email Marketer is capable of handling multiple SMTP accounts for sending out newsletters or campaigns. The system will select the SMTP account for sending campaigns alternatively.
Tracking Authentication Failed SMTPs
Keep track of failed SMTP accounts. Multiple SMTPs can be managed and troubleshoot failed ones quickly.
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