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Add-ons enhance the script. Add multiple features and put yourself ahead of the game.

HS AI Music DeepSupport ChatBot Addon

  • Description
HS Music AI DeepSupport ChatBot Addon

This addon allows you to launch a cool AI enabled chatbot based on your needs. One of the biggest and foremost benefit provided by this addon is its ability to provide 'User Account Level Support', which means everything related to a particular user record in a website will be easily available through this ChatBot. Informations like user specific details, personal informations, payment related records and all kind of user related datas can easily available through this ChatBot.
This addon is currently based on OpenAI API. APIs to be created under your openAI account and API charges will be extra and to be borne by you.

Get HS AI Music DeepSupport ChatBot Addon Addon for just $299

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HS Music Android App Addon

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HS Music

HS Music Android App provides seamless playing of Music and Video tracks at their finger touch. Forget the Radios, retro record-players, modern synthesizer or other Music players and pocket your favorite music into our app. Listen to the beats of Music for what you’re doing, how you’re feeling, or what you want to hear.

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