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Powerful, industry standard PPC Engine script loaded with all the right features.

All Features
PPC Engine
Advertiser Management (Unlimited Advertisers)
Manage unlimited amount of advertisers on our user friendly dashboard. Manage their ads, view their stats, payments & funds. Running your PPC business just got easy.
Ad Management
PPC Engine can advertise text, banner or catalog ads. Review ads and their stats at any time & manage their status or keywords.
Manage Keywords and bid prices of keywords.
Advanced Statistics
View detailed and advanced click and profit statistics and history. View them against, keywords or ad display units as well.
Using XML API, you have the option to receive the ads in XML format and display them in a customized format of your preference. Also, you have the opportunity to sell ads to third party adservers, resulting in additional monetary benefit.
Ad Display Code Generation
Ad display codes much like Ad sense codes can be generated easily to display ads. The script owner can generate ad display codes with custom requirements. With the newly introduced ad blocks, managing of ad display units became even easier. You can manage the style of the ad display units from your control panel and there is no need to replace the code every time.
Search & Display Ads
Admin can generate the ad unit display code for a search engine result page or for a content page. Code for content page will automatically identify the content of the page from the page title and meta tags and display relevant ads.
Ad Rotation on Aging and CTR
The system updates the weightage of every keyword frequently based on the click value, aging and click through rate. The system has the capability to ensure that all the ads in the system have a chance to be displayed even if the click value is less.
Fraudulent Click Tracking
Quality of clicks is ensured by tracking fraudulent clicks and repetitive clicks from a single source. Strengthen trust of your customers in your business.
Multiple Operation Mode
This option allows to change the system behavior. Admin can change the system to a fully keyword based, independent or both.
Payment Options
Multiple payment options through bank, check and PayPal are available to advertisers.
Suggested Click Bid Values for Keywords
With this feature, your advertiser can get the optimal click bid value for their keywords which ensures a better chance of showing their ads to the public.
Public Service Text/Banner Ads
Using HS PPC Engine, you may now add public service/non-commercial ads from the admin area so that you can ensure that there will always be some ads showing up even if paid ads do not exist.
Priority Email Support Desk
Allow your advertisers to get support from you using a priority based email support desk.
Configurable SMTP Mailing
With HS PPC Engine, now you can specify SMTP configuration for outgoing mails from the system.
PPC Search Engine
You can integrate HS PPC Engine with HS Search Engine to run a high quality PPC Search Engine Service
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