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Add-ons enhance the script. Add multiple features and put yourself ahead of the game.

HS RealEstate iOS App Addon

  • Description
HS RealEstate

HS RealEstate iOS app is a simple property management solution ideal for business start-ups, property websites of newspapers etc that provides a common roof for buyers, sellers, renters and agents. Our app provides easy and flexible source for real estate business through IOS .App can hold any number of users,their listing and agents. iOS platform for real estate business ensuring the business owner a clean, convenient and consistent revenue generation from multiple resources.

HS RealEstate Android App Addon

  • Description
HS RealEstate

HS RealEstate android app is a simple property management solution ideal for business start­ups, property websites of newspapers etc that provides a common roof for buyers, sellers, renters and agents. Our RealEstate android app provides a strong platform for real estate business in a flexible & easy manner through mobile. We have designed our app to hold any number of users, their listings and agents. Mobile platform for real estate business ensures the business owner a clean, convenient and consistent revenue generation from multiple resources.

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