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HS Search Engine AI Edition Android App Addon


OpenAI API Based AI Technology Integrated in HS Search Engine. Features are displayed extensively below.

Main Features
Ask AI Easily from Search Home
HS Search Engine AI Edition Android App Addon gives users an option to get AI results for the keywords used in web search from the search home itself. While searching for the web results in search home, you can also get AI results for the keyword you have searched.
AI Quick Answer
HS Search Engine AI Edition Android App Addon gives users a 'quick answer' for the keywords used in web search. While searching for the web results, you can also do an AI search to get a quick answer for the keyword you have searched.
AI Detailed Answer
HS Search Engine AI Edition Android App Addon gives users a 'detailed answer' for the keywords used in web search. While searching for the web results, you can also do an AI search to get a detailed answer for the keyword you have searched.
AI Summary of Top 10 Search Results
HS Search Engine AI Edition Android App Addon gives users an ai summary of top 10 search results for the keywords used in web search. While searching for the web results, you can also do an AI search to get a summary of the top 10 web search results for the keyword you have searched.
AI Result Summary
HS Search Engine AI Edition Android App Addon gives users an ai summary for each results for the keywords used in web search. While searching for the web results, you can also do an AI search to get the summary of a particular search result for the keyword you have searched.
Easy Custom Search
All Devices are pre-loaded with 12 standard engines that offer custom searches including Web, Images, Video, News, Sports, Audio, Forum, Blog, Kids, Dictionary, Wiki and PDF. However, you can also create your own custom engines easily.
API Integration for Meta Search
Run it as your own private meta search engine by combining results from popular search engines like Google, Bing and many more through APIs.
Quick Look Feature
Allow your visitors to view the result web page without changing the browser page location with Quick Look.
Mix Results from Multiple Sources
Allows you to combine search results from various sources such as Google and Bing.This gives your visitors much better results than getting results from a single source. You can optionally hide the source names.
Load Balancing Cache with Clustering
Cache millions of result pages and retrieve data within no time. We are using advanced hashing algorithm to manage cache and to balance the load on database, which helps to improve the response time. The cache is further spread into 27 clusters to improve the performance.
Geo Targeted Results
Improve search results with geo-targeted for user. Geo targeting is achieved by tracking the IP of the visitor.
Boost priority results
Results can also be altered by the owner of Search Engine to promote a particular set of results over actual results.
Avoid 'No Result' Return
Now there will always be results. If your defined APIs can’t pull results, then HS Search Engine will pull consistent results from provisional sources to avoid a ‘No Result’ return. Now, there is always a result.
View Full Laundry List of Features
12 Pre-Loaded Engines
Unlimited custom engines
Easy engine creation based on a theme, website, TLD extension or result file type.
Manage engine order
Multi-language support.
Supports both 'Left to Right' and 'Right to Left' languages.
Arithmetic conversion. Allows users to evaluate their arithmetic expression using web search.
Unit Conversion in Search bar.
Arithmetic conversion in Search bar.
Bad word filter for family safe search engines.
Home page keyword cloud tags to show top searches.
Users can search based on a country.
Optional feature to add a hidden theme/keyword for all the searches users make.
Allow users to override Thumbshots.
Quicklook on the results page
Email a friend link with each result.
Spelling suggestion.
Embedding with HS Adserver for sponsored results.
Show search keywords in result as bold text.
Show new window icon next to each result.
Show related keywords in the result page.
Mix popular image results in its web search.
Allows users to show full size images directly from the image results page.
Cache result in DB for longer periods to reduce the API calls and response time.
Show full size images in lightbox/normal window/popup window.
Key Member Features
Star favorite results.
Post comments for any results or source sites.
View starred results as a whole or engine wise.
Categorize starred results.
Create unlimited number of categories.
Advanced filtering for viewing starred results.
Bulk movement of starred results.
Bulk deletion of favorite results.
Post unlimited comments for each results.
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